This traditional dish is always brought to the table for guests when they visit a new mother and her latest addition to the family.
Fiery hot chunks of yellow ginger make this the perfect dish for the one month 'confinement period', post baby birth - providing for a warm and comfortable tummy.
And when you find out exactly how easy it is to make, you'll be rolling over in laughter that you didn't try it sooner!
Here's a quick summary video:

Yellow Ginger
Black Sweet Rice Vinegar (this is the key ingredient - best not to substitute it with normal black vinegar
Pigs Trotters
Rock Sugar or Sugar (to taste)
Peel and cut ginger into big chunks and smash.
Add to pot
Add Pigs Trotters
Add equal parts of water and Sweet Black Vinegar - enough to cover the trotters
Boil till meat is soft but yet has a little bite
Add sugar a little at a time and taste along the way - this is only if you like the dish a little sweeter.

And that's it!